Andrew Denny

Litigation & Investigations - Partner

Speaker Profile

Bond Litigation: playing hardball
Look before you lend: top risks for lenders and how to manage them
Postponed - LIBOR transition – a spotlight on conduct risk
Virtual Seminar - IBOR Transition Litigation and Conduct Risks
Virtual seminar - Dispute resolution 2021 round up – What do you really need to know?
Virtual seminar - Greenwashing update 2022
Virtual seminar - Securities litigation on the rise? Mitigating and managing claims and enforcement risk
Virtual seminar - Loan defaults – pressing the accelerator
Virtual seminar - Greenwashing update 2023
Virtual seminar - Finance Litigation Themes and Trends
Virtual seminar - Finance Litigation Series: Contractual discretions in financial contracts
Virtual seminar - Finance Litigation Series: Caught between a rock and a hard place
Virtual seminar - Capital Markets reforms: What they mean for directors’ obligations and responsibilities
Virtual seminar - Disputes in 2023 – What do you really need to know?
Virtual seminar - Judicial review in the financial services sector
Virtual seminar - UK ratification of 2019 Hague Judgments Convention – what will it mean for dispute clause negotiations and cross-border disputes?
Virtual seminar - Broker Commissions – Motor Finance and beyond
Virtual seminar - EMIR 3.0 Update

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