Financial Services Regulatory, London - Partner
Bank resolution and capital - an update on TLAC and MREL
Overview of the UK’s policy and regulatory approach to cryptoassets and DLT
BRRD II, MREL and TLAC: the revised European bank resolution regime
The shape of things to come: regulation of financial institutions in the new world
Brexit: You ain’t seen nothin’ yet
Virtual Seminar - Recovery and resolution: the third wave
Virtual seminar - Good medicine: a prescription for a healthy UK financial services industry post-Brexit
Virtual seminar - The future of cross-border financial services business into the UK
Virtual seminar - UK prudential reform: the UK’s CRR2
Virtual seminar - 2022 - The year in regulation
Virtual seminar - After the Fog: Mind the (TTP) Gap
Virtual seminar - The future of cross-border financial services in the UK and Europe
Virtual seminar - ESG and MiFID II Product Governance
Virtual seminar - Seize the day: Tailoring financial services regulation to bolster markets in the UK
Virtual seminar - The Financial Services and Markets Bill: What happens next?
Virtual seminar - The Brexit Freedoms Bill and the perils for financial services firms
Virtual seminar - 2023 - the year of divergence?
Virtual seminar - Resolution and revolution: beware the Ides of March?
Virtual seminar - The dawn of the smarter regulatory framework
Virtual seminar - Neither a [third country] borrower, nor a lender be’: new EU licensing requirements for non-EU banks
Virtual seminar - A smarter ring-fencing regime
Virtual seminar - Operational Resilience: Third-Party Risk Requirements
Virtual seminar - 2024: Regulation gets 'smart'?
Virtual seminar - Resolution or Revolution: The Legacy of the 2023 Banking Crisis
Virtual seminar - SEPA ICT Regulation & Direct Participation for non-bank payment service providers
Virtual seminar - Developments in depositor protection: Reflecting changing markets and political sensitivities
Virtual seminar - Implementing Basel 3.1: practicalities and likely impacts
Virtual seminar - 2025: new horizons for financial services regulation
Virtual seminar - Broker Commissions – Motor Finance and beyond
Virtual seminar - EMIR 3.0 Update