Virtual seminar - JVs and Pillar Two in practice

Wed 06 Nov

3:00 pm to 4:00 pm (UK time)

Tim Harrop - Tax, London, Partner - Profile

Ryan Bray - Tax, Dallas, Partner - Profile

Brin Rajathurai - Tax, London, Knowledge Counsel Europe - Profile

Naomi Lawton - Tax, London, Knowledge Counsel - Profile

Hugh Brooks - Tax, London, Senior Associate - Profile

Matthew Brown - Tax, Washington, D.C., Counsel - Profile

Synopsis: In this session, we will cover: • When the new global minimum tax (also known as “Pillar Two”) could impact Joint Ventures and how to manage the risks • How Pillar Two can affect JV structures and modelling and why it is important to factor it in early in the planning stages • What is the impact on risk allocation and documentation and why might standard tax provisions not be enough to address Pillar Two risks? • What specific issues do these rules raise for US multinationals?

This seminar qualifies for 1 CPD point/s

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